Saturday, March 9, 2013


Before we began the adoption process, I was having a really hard time believing that God truly answers prayer. I know, I know. It's something I shouldn't struggle with. But I've had a dry spell where I've felt my prayers almost ignored by God. Then I prayed for Him to provide for us for the adoption. And my, has He. There is still work to be done, that's for sure, but a fundraiser that I thought might make us a couple hundred bucks has now pulled in over $500. I've actually lost track (thank God I have Nicole who is keeping track!!) of how many wreaths have been ordered. And He keeps supplying. We have more orders coming in and one potentially large order pending as well.

God has been teaching me a lot through fundraising so far. Not only to rely on Him, to have patience (I'm still worried about the $19,000 we still need!), but that we cannot be lazy! He has put me to WORK to bring this money in. I can't tell you how many times we have burned our fingers on our hot glue guns (not to mention Nicole's second degree burn!!!), how many rolls of twine have passed through our hands or how many hours we have spent crafting wreaths. As I was making a wreath while the kids were napping one day, I was just trying to meditate on God's character and this just dawned on me. "Child, you and your husband prayed and continue to pray for me to supply the funds for you to bring a child into your home through adoption. And I am. And you are capable of working for it to happen!"

1John 3:18: Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.

Bubba is enjoying helping mommy by bringing me twine and loading my glue gun to make "weeths." I am so overjoyed that he is learning that the world is bigger than him. And that to say we love one another is not enough...that we must put our love into action and truth. To not just think about what God desires for our life, but to LIVE what God desires for our life.

My dear friend, Gina has started another fundraiser for us making and selling SUPER cute clutch purses. She has already sold a handfull and continues to work hard to help us provide a home for whichever child God chooses for us. Check out that fundraiser to the right!

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