Monday, March 4, 2013


I am blown away at the response we have received so far for the wreath fundraiser. After we fill all of the orders we will have raised something like $300 already. I had a little chat with God in the car the day that Nicole started this fundraiser for us and it started something like this: "So. God. How are we gonna do this?" A little later, I got a text about this fundraiser and half a week later, this is what has happened. The orders just keep coming in every day. I have posted it everywhere and people I don't even KNOW are ordering specifically to give toward our adoption. I am completely humbled by everyone's generosity of spirit and a little embarrassed that I've doubted God's ability to provide the money we need. We are a long way off from having all of our money but I feel like God is just giving us a taste of His capability to fulfill this need. We are so excited to see what God does and how He provides during this journey. He has already carved it out and already knows who we will bring into our family and how we're going to do it. He is good, all the time.

Another blessing we are so thankful for is both sets of our parents. The Husband and I were able to go away for the weekend to celebrate our FIFTH wedding anniversary thanks to our four parents. My mom and dad took the kids Saturday-Sunday morning and The Husband's parents had them all day Sunday till we picked them up in the evening. We were able to get some relaxation and restoration for our spirits and were able to reflect on where we've come the past five years and where we'll be in five more. We have experienced some heartache over five years but, oh the blessings! A little breakdown on our 5 years of blessings:

2008: Got married

2009: Bought and moved into our new home

2010: Had Bubba

2011: Had Sissy

2012: I began working toward my Master's degree
2013: God-willing, we will bring our third child into our family through adoption!

Praise God for His endless blessings and faithfulness.

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