Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Caring for the Orphan

Since we have decided to adopt domestically (within the United States), I have sort of gone through a mourning process. I am subscribed to Reece's Rainbow and Rainbow Kids which both have extensive photo listings of mainly international special needs orphans needing homes...NOW. I started, I'd say last April, scouring these photo listings, reading up on special needs that I didn't know about and countries I've never been to and ordinarily would not care to visit. I came across probably a dozen children that I've just felt a connection to. One we tried to pursue but were denied because he is only 6 months younger than Bubba. They would be "artificial twins" and most agencies don't like that and won't allow it. I personally think it is ridiculous to deny a child a permanent home on the basis of there being another child the same age in that home. You can bet their orphanage or foster family has children the same age but are deemed a better place for this child than a permanent, loving family and home. Well, stepping off of my soapbox...

Even though we have decided (not just because of that one incident) to adopt within the US, I look through those photo listings almost daily, praying for the forgotten, pleading with God to bring their families to them. I've been wondering HOW God is going to answer my prayers of healing and protection over these children if a family does NOT come for them...

"You, Lord, hear the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed, so that mere earthly mortals will never again strike terror." Psalm 10: 17-18

And it dawned on me today...He DOES hear their cries and the desires of their hearts. He DOES love these children more than we can fathom. But He works through us! There will be beauty in the end but we live in a sinful and imperfect world and these children are not going to magically move from their worldly orphan status to being in a family. Someone, with the help of God, has to MAKE it happen.

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."
James 1:27

I am, by no means, implying that everyone should adopt or is called to adopt. But we are called to action in some way. Support, advocate, PRAY PRAY PRAY! Sign up for the Rainbowkids.com newsletter and forward it to your friends and family! SOMETHING. We cannot continue to turn our eyes away from this just because it's not comfortable to see...

Reece's Rainbow
Rainbow Kids

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