Thursday, April 4, 2013


I gotta admit it...this week...I'm doubting. This week I'm wondering if we're rushing things. This week I'm asking what the HECK are we thinking??? This week has been SO trying...between tantrums and neediness and FATIGUE and Bubba locking Sissy in her bedroom and more tantrums and whining over the 400 pounds of Easter goodies that are sitting on our kitchen counter and Bubba getting out of bed 10 times during his nap to "go potty"....I don't know if I can handle a third child. I don't know if I can handle the two I have now. I don't know what God is thinking. And I'm kinda sorta thinking it would be great to say, "Hahahaha! Just kidding! You didn't think we were really serious this whole time right?? April Fool's!"

And then I open the mailbox and am greeted by two checks. One is from my best friend. This amazing woman is using her unique talent and her "spare" time (I put 'spare' in quotes because she has a toddler of her own, is expecting another and works full "spare" time isn't really spare's time her family is selflessly giving up) to raise money for this adoption. The other was from some friends who live in a different state and who we rarely see. Oh, and who are expecting their first child in like two weeks. And this can't be a coincidence right? If God wasn't calling us toward adoption...He wouldn't be providing for it...right??

I'm so desperately grasping for God to tell me it's going to be okay and I'm going to be fine and things aren't going to be as hectic and crazy and constantly self-sacrificing as they seem.....but then I remember that they WILL be! And I know God will stretch me AND The Husband. And that it's not about how much I can handle because God will stretch us and mold us as needed. And that He picked all these crazy kids (including the one to come!) to be in this specific, crazy family with its imperfect, impatient, selfish mom...for a reason. And I know we want to do this...we are called to do this...and we will never regret it. I just gotta hold on....for like the next 20 years....then it gets easier, right??

Ok now it's time to break out the discipline (and by "the discipline", I more likely mean the Google tablet) because I can't take hearing Bubba's door open and close one more time...

"I'm so cute!...You would never know that my mommy JUST carried me out of story time at the library kicking, screaming and hitting!"


  1. God has just begun to do amazing things for your family and those around you through this process! So excited for you!

    1. Thanks, Sue! It's really comforting to know so many people who are ahead of us in this journey and know some of the things to come, and for us to be able to see the beautiful result :)


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