Monday, April 1, 2013

Prayers answered

So God has been answering some prayers of mine lately that I wanted to share! I've been praying specifically for two separate boys who are available for adoption. I still look at daily just to keep our options open. This website has a photo listing of children in foster care who are available for adoption in the US. One boy I found on this site. He is listed in foster care and he is 3 years old--just slightly older than Bubba actually. He sparked my interest as I thought he looked like a little troublemaker--just like B :) But after discussing it, The Husband and I decided that keeping the birth order was really important to us--we don't think Bubba would do well having an older sibling. He has definitely established himself as the oldest child and we think it would really rock his world too violently to introduce an older sibling. It would definitely disrupt that established role for him. So I've been praying specifically for this boy--that if we were not to be his family, that he would find his forever family and that that family would be looking at the same profile I was looking at and have their hearts stirred to inquire about him. And someone did. :) He is visiting with a potential adoptive family right now to see if their family is a good fit for him and vice versa. If you think of it, pray that this boy would fit well into this family and they would be his forever family. And that they would present the gospel to him :)

The second prayer is for the boy that we were interested in from Asia. To recap, we were told that we could not adopt him because he is too close to Bubba's age so they would be "artificial twins." I pray for this boy on a regular basis as well. It makes my blood boil that he is STILL listed as a waiting child!!  Then I got an e-mail from, and who is one of their featured children in the e-mail?? The SAME boy...out of THOUSANDS of listings, this boy finally has a chance to find a family. Everyone who gets their e-mail will see his picture and profile. PLEASE take a look!

If you or someone you know is interested in this sweet boy, go to the website listed or go to and sign up to see the photo listing of the waiting children. He's in there....waiting.

We hit our first wall today with the adoption--Sean's doc forgot to fill out an entire form! So back to the doctor's we go tomorrow to get that filled out. Pray that he will fill it out while I wait so I can send all of the required paperwork in to our agency tomorrow. We will be able to start our home study then!!!

Easter was fab--we got to see our niece all last week and then for Easter and the kids were SO excited to be able to hang with their cousin. We didn't see my parents for Easter but they came over beforehand and showered the kids with gifts and sugar--as did Sean's parents ON Easter. I love that Bennett is at an age that I can really start to explain to him what Easter really means. My explanation did not help in convincing him to wear his nice shirt to church on Sunday, though, so I bribed him with a cookie :) Shhh!

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