Sunday, January 22, 2012

I haven't written in HOW long?!!

I'm going to save all the talking hubub and just apologize for not blogging in so long. It's really hard to get a spare moment with TWO KIDS!!! Bubba just celebrated his 2nd birthday and Sissy is already 4 months old! I cannot believe how quickly time has flown by and how many time I have thought, "I should really update our blog" only to be thwarted by a laughing, screaming, or fussy child!

Bubba's highlights:
Turning 2! Learning his name (he calls himself Memmett), Speaking in sentences (No, Memmett do! or Mommy do it, Mommy go, or Mommy sit down!), and loving his baby sister!

Sissy's highlights:
Um, being born is probably her biggest one. She LOVES her big brother. She will literally just belly laugh when he looks at her. She can see farther now and loves to grab on to pretty much anything. She is constantly smiling, giggling and sticking out her tongue. The girl loves to eat too! I'm pretty sure she's the happiest baby around.

The Husband and I are doing well too. He is now teaching a class at Joliet Junior College one night a week and loving it. I'm currently in the midst of filling out applications to go back to school for my Master's in Social Work. I will hopefully start in the summer but most likely this coming fall and will be done in about 3 years. It's gonna be ROUGH but rewarding!

Here are some pictures and hopefully a video soon :)

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