Friday, May 25, 2012

Well don't I just suck at updating our blog?  I promise (though I don't know who really cares!) that I am going to update this blog more over the summer.  Today is The Husband's last day at JTHS for the year.  This year has flown by--when he started the school year we only had 1 child.  Now Sissy is almost 9 months old!  I cannot believe how quickly she has grown and that we are going to be celebrating her first birthday soon!  I also cannot believe how much my little boy has grown up.  He is physically so much bigger, he talks in full sentences (we can actually have conversations now...weird!!!), and he has blossomed into such an AWESOME big brother.  He is so protective of Sissy and loves to give her kisses.  The three of us were dancing in Bubba's room the other day and Sissy was smiling and giggling and I thought it was because Mommy was holding her, dancing with her.  Then I looked closely at her.  Her eyes were LOCKED on Bubba and she was finding so much joy in watching HIM dance.  Mommy had nothing to do with it!  It actually gave me great joy :)

Bubba's newest accomplishments:
1) Talking in full sentences!
2) Going pee pee on the potty (not regularly)--go ahead.  Ask me how I feel about bribing your child to pee on the potty.  Hint: I FULLY support it!!!
3) Really getting those temper tantrums in full swing

Sissy's newest accomplishments:
1) Rolling from her belly to her back (finally!)
2) Saying "mama" and "dada" and other various babbles :)
3) Being even cuter now than a couple months ago--I know, I know!  You must be asking how that's possible!  See pictures for detail :)

In May, I started my Social Work Master's program (sort of).  I have 1 prerequisite course that I never took in undergrad (Human Biology) so I'm getting that out of the way this summer and I'll start my Master's classes in late August.  I'll be taking 2 classes at a time so it's going to take me a while to finish but I'm in no real hurry.  I'm very excited to begin this journey!

The Husband is still teaching at Joliet West and loves it.  He is also still teaching as an adjunct professor at Joliet Junior College one night a week and it really loving that as well.  We are going to be visiting my brother, Nick, in Seattle in a couple of weeks without the kids so we are a little nervous but very excited to have some time away from the kids.  Will write again soon!