Wednesday, June 29, 2011


So we are now in the full swing of summer and having a great time with Daddy!! We have gone to the zoo, the splash pad, lots of parks, the children's museum and lots of other places to fill our time. We are now almost 30 weeks into pregnancy #2 and aside from one short stint on bedrest, we are doing well! Here is a video from late May to brighten your day :)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Belly Shot!

20 Weeks! We are halfway there, folks! We have our 20-week ultrasound next week and, if we are as strong as we think we are, we will NOT be finding out the gender!!

April Showers

We have done a lot in April! Mommy has taken up a part-time job at the library (started in late February) so Bubba is still getting used to that change. We had some fun with Auntie Cami and Leyla at the Shedd Aquarium the first weekend of April and have been enjoying the few nice days we've been getting between bouts of rain :( Here are some pictures!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mischief & Mayhem

I think this photo speaks for itself. Those are Rice Krispies, by the way and they were in the GARBAGE the last time I had checked...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chop Chop

Bubba has his first haircut on February 9th. His hair was just out of control so we asked Auntie C if she would do the honors. He did great! He held still especially when Papa fed him a cherry Popsicle!!

Happy First Birthday, Bennett!

Bubba's first birthday came and went as fast as his first whole year flew by. We are so thankful to have him in our lives and we cannot wait to see how he interacts with his new baby brother or sister in September (oh, by the way, we are pregnant again and due September 13th if you didn't know...whoops!!) Our due date is bitter sweet as it is 3 days before Grandma Jackie's birthday. She would have been 72 this year. Bubba was her little kindred spirit and she was so overjoyed to know that she had another great-grandchild on the way. In fact, she screamed in my ear over the phone when I told her how close our due date was to her birthday. We miss her every day.

Now that I have made this supposedly celebratory posting a little depressing, here are some pictures from Bubba's first birthday and his first birthday party! On his actual birthday, Mima came over with a birthday donut, balloons and a fittingly loud and obnoxious bear that plays "Happy Birthday to You." The Husband and I took him to the Children's Museum and we had his party on the 16th. We also had a get-together with some of our friends who we met in our birthing class before we had Bubba. All three of the kids are 10 days apart so we threw the three of them a birthday party complete with pizza, cake, and the kiddie pool filled up downstairs. They had a blast!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Christmas and more

Christmastime has been so busy for us that we haven't had any time to post updated pictures and information. But now we are in January, on the cusp of Bubba's FIRST BIRTHDAY(!!!!) and we are finally updating. We spent 3 days before Christmas with The Husband's family and Christmas evening with mine. Uncle Nick got to see Bubba for the first time in a few months and they had a blast! We are having Bubba's first birthday party this Sunday and we cannot believe how quickly this year has gone and how much our baby has grown! He has become such an integral part of our family that it is like he has always been here. We love our little family of three!