Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Adventures of Bubba and Eli

This week Bubba and Mommy took a train ride (Bubba's first!) down to Missouri to visit "Aunt" Gina, "Uncle" Rob and their son, who is 5 weeks older than Bubba. The boys had a blast and were absolutely adorable to watch together. They played, chewed on the same toys and ate each other's toes and hands. Gina and I have been friends since we were 15 and were so glad to be able to watch our boys play together. Here are some pictures...

Daddy and Me

Just some pictures of Daddy and Bubba. They look more and more alike every day!

Monday, May 24, 2010

I saw, I rolled, I conquered

Bubba rolled over today! He actually rolled over yesterday for the first time but we both missed it and only saw the end result: Bubba on his tummy. But Mommy caught the act on camera today! He saw the toy he wanted, rolled for it and ate it (peeing on my carpet in the process!) Here are some pictures.

Oh, sleep. How I have missed you!

Just wanted to give you all a little update. This past Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights, Bubba slept through the night! From about 7:30 PM to 7:00 AM!! Saturday and Sunday night he went back to waking up around 3:00 AM but we are so thankful for the nights we have gotten from him and hope that this means he will be sleeping like that on a regular basis soon!

Bubba also got his 4-month check-up and shots this past Friday and he did great! He is now 15 lb 2 oz and 24 1/2 inches long. I don't know if you all care, but his head is now 42 cm around too. The pediatrician said he is in perfect health and looks great!! We were told that we can start feeding him rice cereal whenever we want so we will probably be trying that within the next couple of weeks.

He got his vaccines and definitely cried but was such a trooper. He calmed down pretty quickly, slept for a while and then woke up like he hadn't been stuck at all that day! All smiles and giggles.

We are going to visit Aunt Gina and Uncle Rob in Missouri this week so I will update you all with pictures of Bubba and their son hanging out for the first time in about 3 1/2 months!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

4 Months!

Bubba officially turned 4 months this past Friday, the 14th. We cannot believe how much he has grown and how big he is getting! He was weighed today, the 18th and he is now 14 lbs, 10 oz! He has his 4-month check-up at the pediatrician's on Friday and he gets his second round of vaccinations so be praying for us!! Here are some updated pictures of Bubba with the bear Uncle Rusty and Aunt Crystal gave him, Bubba trying to roll over (yes, he is naked!!), him and his buddies and us with Bennett.

Monday, May 3, 2010

I never realized how quickly the time goes when you have a baby! Sorry we haven't posted anything in a while but here are some updated pictures of Bubba.

1) Playing on the floor--he likes to hit the koala bear and grab the sides of the toy and move the whole thing!
2) "Who me??"--being cute
3-6) Hangin' out on the floor--Mommy and Daddy have started putting hats on me because I'm losing ALL of my HAIR!!
7-9) Mommy and me hanging out together