Monday, April 19, 2010

Tummy Time

Bubba still only likes tummy time for a couple of minutes at a time and only when he can look at someone and be entertained! A couple of pictures from this morning. He's lifting his head up SO much now!

I'm HOW old?!!

Just a couple of pictures of Bubba on his THREE-MONTH birthday!! The Husband and I are loving watching our little guy grow up and learn new things but it is so hard to see him get so big and know that he's not our little newborn anymore!

Newest development: Grabbing onto everything and putting it in his mouth. He munches on EVERYTHING hence my new nickname for him: Muncher.

More Easter

We spent Easter Sunday at Mima and Papa's house. We weren't there 10 minutes and Bubba had a MAJOR blowout while Mima was holding him. I'm talking up the back and dripping out of the leg of his nice Easter pants!! We didn't even know how to handle a blow out like that! So the first couple pictures are him in his actual outfit, the rest of them, he's in different pants.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hangin' with Friends and Happy Easter!

Here are a few pics of Bubba and his buddies hanging out (okay, it's really me, Tracy and Amy hanging out and dragging the babies with us!). They are all 10 days apart; Bubba is the youngest.  We LOVE the facial expressions we catch on camera!

There are also a couple of pictures I took of Bubba for Easter. You can tell he's already getting sick of my shenanigans! Thanks Great Aunt Charlene for the chick stuffed animal in the pictures!!